English version

Julia Lyford loves dyspraxic waffles - 21/06/2016

« Dispraxic waffles », whatsit ? You'll find out at the stall where Frank and his friends prepare and sell them to those with a sweet tooth : « We're dyspraxic but not stupid... » Julia watches them supportively. She has been at their side all along since the beginning of their project. In the...

Grabbing life with no regrets : Alison Lapper, artist - 08/10/2014

The latest famous hits ring in the little café where the artist Alison Lapper arranged for us to meet. She has her habits here: she even leaves a box of her favourite tea, which she sips with a straw. Alison Lapper is an artist, a mother, and a woman, with a colourful hairdo and personality. She...

George Marks wakes up Louisiana and France - 11/11/2013

George Marks is a 44 years old american artist. He lives in Louisiana, at Arnaudville. As the founder of a collective called NUNU, he celebrates the cultural diversity. Consequence? NUNU creates an economic model from the bottom-up in its closest surroundings, in Louisiana which still have very...

The Swedish Amanda highlights her Saami roots - 15/04/2013

Amanda Kernell was born Swedish from her mother and Saami from her father. Back in the times, the Swedish people were oppressing the Saamis. The Saamis were called "Lapons" with contempt. Amanda is a heiress of contradictory roots. From this "between-two-cultures", she makes an advocacy for “being...

Dave Bradshaw, co-founder of an alternative festival - 27/07/2012

Dave Bradshaw, a 39 year old Londoner, is one of seven founders of a festival called «Nowhere,« which occurs annually in Spain since 2005. As a regional version of the famous «Burning Man« in the U.S., this festival has the distinction of being funded and run by the festival goers themselves....